
God: Coming Face to Face With His Majesty is unavailable, but you can change that!

You can set your heart ablaze with no loftier, more worthy ambition than the pursuit of an increasingly intimate knowledge of the God who created you. In God: Coming Face to Face with His Majesty, John MacArthur chisels away centuries of cultural residue from our understanding of who God is. As he chips away misconceptions, you will witness the glory and majesty of the divine attributes through...

instead, they wish to deny His existence. Furthermore, a careful examination of world religions shows that the gods spawned by them are rarely of the delivering kind, but usually have an oppressive nature that needs continual appeasement. Women in India who drown their babies in the Ganges River don’t think of their god as a savior, but as a fearful ogre whom they must appease. The gods of false religions are not protecting gods; they are gods to be feared. If people invent gods, they surely invent
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